My mother and the Pope

My mother and the Pope have a lot in common. Here’s a story about the lessons I learned from my mother. This past weekend I happened to tune into TED talks and I saw Pope Francis talking about- the only future worth building includes everyone.  And it made me think of my mother and here […]

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Mother Eartha Says Thank You

My mother ‘Eartha’ gave thanks every day. She understood the blessing of waking up each morning and being able to see. That’s right, just see. Because, the gift of sight, as well as hearing, albeit simplistic, is, in fact, just that, a gift. And, my mother understood the profound power of the simple blessings many […]

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Raised by Mother Earth(a)

  Mother Eartha, Eartha Kitt, taught me to that we are ALL made to be UNIQUE and the importance of loving and accepting that fact. I was watching Shark Tank recently (yes, I love that show), and saw two young girls, kidpreneurs, Madison and Mallory, pitch their company Angels and Tomboys, and make a deal […]

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What?  No script? A Country With No Handwriting.

Say it isn’t so! A country with no handwriting? Well, that may soon be the case. Cursive, or script, as some may know it, is not part of the Common Core State Standards, which are the academic guidelines 45 of the 50 states have now adopted. I went to a private French school (I know, […]

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The kids are ALL home. Eek!

When did this happen? Little snot faced toddlers have been transformed into adult-sized beings in what feels like lightning speed. Two, are now college graduates, the two girls are off from school, and, now, I have all four of them living back at home. Wow. Am I happy? Yes, of course, as well as proud […]

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